Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Random things you may or may not know about me

  1. I started this blog a long time ago, in hopes that Brian and I would both update and be able to keep in touch with people we don't see often. It's sat here for too long and now I'm just going to use it.
  2. I used to write daily, an outlet for all my thoughts, lately they have been inconsistent, crazy and somewhat depressing. But the times are a changing.
  3. I have a billion clothes in my closet and still feel the need to buy more.
  4. I had surgery in December to have my tubes tied and an ablation. When we found out I would die if I was ever to become pregnant, I felt it was necessary for my sanity to make sure that never happened.
  5. I sing constantly to everything and anything I am listening to. I love everything from The Beatles, Cheap Trick and The Cure, to Taylor Swift, Lady Gaga and Red Hot Chili Peppers.
  6. I can't wait to get involved with the Children's Heart Association and may do some speaking and hopefully volunteering with kids going through things similar to what I went through.
  7. I cry easily. At commercials, movies, songs, stories in the news paper, you name it, I'm sure it will make me cry.
  8. I am obsessed with taking pictures and am hoping to be a photographer on the side.
  9. I'm only 5'10" please don't argue with me about my height, I am aware that when I sit I am the same height as my friends 5'3" and under, I am very short waisted.
  10. I love working with children and I can't wait to adopt.
  11. I love the names Cadence, Ann Marie, Sarah Elizabeth, Taylor, Bentley, Connor and Jackson.
  12. If I were a boy I would have been named Blue after my dads best friend who died in Vietnam.
  13. I am not close to any of my extended family, except my 2nd Cousin Janie and her whole family.
  14. My dogs are my babies, and we refer to them as our daughters for the time being.
  15. Brian is my one true love, and my first true love. I can't wait to tell that story to our kids.
  16. We have been together for over 4 years but it feels so much longer.
  17. I want to live in Colorado or California, but would be content in Arizona my whole life if that is where we stay.
  18. I fill our walls with scrapbooked frames and lovely photography.
  19. I am in love with the wii fit plus and yoga.
  20. Teen mom is one of my favorite shows. Maci and Bentley are my favorites. Catelyn and Tyler are my inspiration.
  21. I could eat pumpkin cream cheese and pumpkin bagels for the rest of my life.
  22. I never thought I could love someone as much as I love Brian, and I didn't think it was possible to fall more in love everyday.
  23. Sapphires, Diamonds and White gold are my favorite Jewelry.
  24. Roses, Gerbera Daisies and Sun Flowers are my favorite flowers depending on my mood.
  25. My eyes change color from brown to green to blue.
  26. Summer time and dresses complete my life.
  27. Christmas lights, Christmas trees and Hot Chai are the best parts of winter.
  28. I have a beautiful wedding planned in my head.
  29. Penguins stay with one mate their whole life, they always come back to that one other penguin no matter what. Brian is my penguin.
  30. Black, Red and White are my favorite colors for my house.
  31. My daughters nursery will be pink and brown, covered with Kurt Halsey photos.
  32. Kurt Halsey is my favorite artist.
  33. Jenny Hansen takes beautiful pictures and I feel blessed that she is going to photograph Brian and I in March.
  34. Amelia is another amazing photographer, Saturday will be lovely!
  35. I am there for anyone, 24-7.
  36. Baby shoes are my weakness.
  37. I am a sucker for anything acoustic.
  38. Chandler air park holds a significant meaning to me.
  39. I want to know you better. Lets make that happen!


  1. Oh my word, so cute! I LOVE pumpkin cream cheese and pumpkin bagels!! It is my favorite thing abotu fall!! :)

  2. 5"10, I had no idea your beauty rose vertically as well!

  3. ohhh man we are so much alike! and YES wakey!wakey! is my FAVORITE!!!!!!!!

    there's a song called "on her way" by Shelly Fraley, and it's amazing. the only place i can find it is myspace {ghe-ttoooo} and iTunes {i'm cheap}.

    Buuut. Maybe you will like it.


