When I was a kid I hated that my birthday was on New Years Day. I didn't care that it was interesting that I was the first baby born in Arizona on Jan 1st 1987, I was too busy feeling sad that most people didn't remember my birthday because it fell over Christmas break and I could never have a party until like two weeks after school started up again.
Since I've gotten older I think it's pretty awesome. It's a whole new year on all accounts for me, not only because it's a new year for everyone but because I'm a whole year older!
This year I have a few plans on what I want to accomplish:
Get my photography business off the ground.
Document this year through pictures.
Love unconditionally.
Get rid of anything that causes drama in my life, even if it means losing people in the process.
Run everyday.
Go to Seattle.
Appreciate everything I have.
5 days ago